Thursday, June 4, 2015

Emacs SQL mode

Took me sometime to start working again with MySQL effectively. Again I had to find a decent clinet that allows me to edit a script and execute the commands from within the buffer for testing.

I looked into VIM plugin dbext, and it sucks!
I was not able to get it to easily get it to work, and after sometime finally it worked, but openning a file in VIM, and editing it (even non SQL), caused the screen to go dirty with garbage every where. C-L to redraw was not a help. I had to find something else !

So, emacs sql-mode comes with emacs 24.4.1 (on gentoo). So Let's open an sql script with emacs, then :

  • M-x sql-mode
  • M-x sql-mysql (fill in the values).
  • M-x sql-set-product (type mysql or postgresql .... etc).
  • M-x sql-set-sqli-buffer
Now, highlght the SQL statments, and C-c C-r or just C-c C-b to send the whole buffer. Enjoy !

StackOverflow: sql-set-sqli-buffer "there is no suitable sqli buffer"
Additional setup tips.

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